Women plant trees

Many women, including Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Co-chair Pervin Buldan have participated in the opening of March 8, International Women’s Day Memorial Forest.
News Center- Upon the invitation of Dilek İmamoğlu and Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu, Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Co-chair Pervin Buldan attended the opening of the “8 March International Women's Day Memorial Forest” in Büyükçekmece district of Istanbul. In addition to Pervin Buldan, HDP MPs Züleyha Gülüm, Dilşat Canbaz Kaya, women of the HDP and Republican People's Party (CH) Istanbul Provincial Chairperson Canan Kaftancıoğlu and many CHP members attended the opening. 
After the speech of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu, Dilek İmamoğlu began to speak. Emphasizing the importance of the Istanbul Convention, Dilek İmamoğlu stated that the convention is a great achievement for women.
Dilek İmamoğlu said, “The Istanbul Convention, which obliges all public institutions and organizations to work together in order to end femicide, domestic violence and to strengthen the social position of women, draws a very valuable framework for us. The framework drawn by the Istanbul Convention should not remain just on papers, but be implemented.”
After the speeches, women planted trees.