Women in Qamishlo march to protest Turkish military operation launched in Kurdistan Region

Women marching in Qamishlo to protest the Turkish military operation launched in the Kurdistan Region shouted the “Damn betrayal” slogan and condemned the KDP for supporting Turkey.

Qamishlo- On April 17, Turkey launched a new air and ground operation in the Kurdistan Region. While the operation is going on in the region, the people of Qamishlo held a march to protest the operation last night. The people carrying torches condemned the KDP for supporting Turkey. Women of all ages participating in the march led by the Young Women's Movement and the Revolutionary Youth Movement chanted slogans including “Damn betrayal” and “Long live the resistance”.

“The Barzani family should be ashamed”

Hêvîn Brahim Hesen, a member of the Martyrs’ Families Council, said, “Today, we are marching to protest the betrayal of the KDP and attacks. They are attacking our children. As Kurdish people, we stand firm against the attacks. The Barzani family should be ashamed.”

“We do not accept”

Viyan Mihemed, chair of the Democratic Union Party (PYD) in the Qudurbeg neighborhood, condemned the attacks on the Kurdistan Region and said, “We do not accept these attacks against our people, and we strongly condemn them. The KDP should stop betraying its people. Today is the day of shame for the KDP.”

“We stand by the cause of our children”

Zine Emin, who lives in the Xerbî neighborhood of Qamishlo, said, “The Turkish state and KDP have been attacking the territory of Kurdistan by joining forces. The KDP should no longer see itself as a Kurdish party, it is not. We stand by the cause of our children and against the attacks.”