Resistance of mothers stops Iraqi army

Iraqi army forces wanted to enter the Til Ezer village of Shengal. But mothers didn’t allow them and Iraqi forces had to withdraw.

Shengal- Since the agreement signed between the Iraqi government and the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) to control Shengal and not recognize the autonomous administration, the people of Shengal have been under threats, pressure, and attacks. Yesterday, the Iraqi forces tried to enter Shengal’s Til Ezer village at 13:00 and Gir Zirk village at 17:00. The resistance of people stopped the attempted attack.

Nafya Meşo is one of Shengal’s people who resisted the attack. She demands the Iraqi government to recognize the Democratic Autonomous Administration of Shengal;

“The Kadhimi government (the government of Mustafa Al-Kadhimi) cannot break our resistance, our daughters and sons have protected this region for six years. The Kadhimi government wants to enter our safe areas. Until now, Iraqi forces have not attacked us, but now they are attacking us due to the Kadhimi government. Today, we are resisting here and we will resist to the end.”

“They say they come to protect us but they first save our abducted people”

Nafya Meşo recalled that no one helped them when ISIS attacked Shengal, “We went to mountains and had a hard time there.  No one helped us. The noblewomen of this region were sold by Daesh. We faced many things and we will not trust any forces that didn’t protect us. Daesh killed many of our people. There are still unopened mass graves here. Thousands of women and children are still held by Daesh. The Iraqi forces should first save them. They say they come to protect us but they first should save our abducted people.”

Gir Zerek is one of the first villages attacked by ISIS

Gir Zerk is a village located southwest of Shengal. On August 3, 2014, ISIS members first launched their attacks on this village. Then, they attacked Siba Şex Xidir and Til Ezer. They killed many people in the village and razed the houses to the ground.

The Kadhimi government doesn’t recognize the will of the people in Shengal by signing the “Sinjar Agreement” on October 9.