International Women’s Day celebrations in NE Syria

Women of North and East Syria celebrated International Women’s Day. Women wearing their traditional clothes took to the streets in Kobanî, Hesekê, Aleppo, Shehba, Til Temir, and Qamishlo and shouted, “Let's protect our revolution, liberate our lands.”


News Center- Women celebrated International Women’s Day in many cities of North and East Syria. Kurdish, Arab, Syriac, and Armenian women wearing their traditional clothes participated in the celebration held in the city of Hesekê. Members of NGOs, the Democratic Union Party, the Assembly of the Armenian Community, and the Syriac Women’s Union also participated in the celebration. Photographs of Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan, Martyr Hevrin, Hind, Zeynep Kınacı (Nom de guerre: Zilan), Rosa Luxemburg, Ivana Hoffman, and Awaz Ormiya were hung on the celebration area.

“March 8 is the day of the uprising”

After observing a minute's silence, Lilav Hisen, a member of the Kongra Star Coordination in Hesekê, read a statement. Then, Gulvedan Qamişlo made a short speech on behalf of the Women's Defense Units (YPJ). Wishing a happy International Women’s Day to all women, Gulvedan Qamişlo said, “March is the day of uprising and demanding our rights.”


Women held a celebration at the building of the Families of Martyrs Organization in Til Temir to mark International Women’s Day. Kurdish, Arab, and Syriac women in Til Temir, Zirgana, and Kizwan Mountain (Mount Abdulaziz) participated in the celebration. After observing a minute's silence, Madlen Iban, a member of Kongra Star, made a speech. “March 8 is the day of women's struggle. Many women such as Rosa Luksemburg, Clara Zetkin, Zenûbya, Zerife, Sakine Cansız, Mîna Qazî, Suheyle Ebdûlqadir, Ivana Hoffmann, Sosin Bîrhat, Nûjîn Amed, Tolhildan Raman, Leyla Qasim, Leyla Agiri, Hevrin Khalaf, Zehra Berkel, Hind, Seda and Awaz Ormiyê were the pioneers of this struggle.” After the speeches, many singers took to the stage.


Women gathered at the Heysem Kiço Stadium in Qamishlo to celebrate International Women’s Day. Women wearing their traditional clothes shouted slogans. Many singers and musical groups such as Nesrin Botan, Koma Jinên Ciwan, and Koma Cudi took to the stage.


International Women’s Day celebration in the Elewişê village of Shehba’s Ehdas district began in the morning. Women of Shehba and Afrin participated in the celebration by wearing their traditional clothes. After observing a minute's silence, Rihab Çemo and Rihan Elo, members of Kongra Star, made the opening speech.


Women of Kobanî celebrated International Women’s Day in the forest by wearing their traditional clothes. After observing a minute's silence, Roza Tolhildan, a member of Kongra Star, and Dilar Heleb, a commander of the YPJ, made speeches. Martyr Hevrin Musical Group, Koma Dayikan folklore group, Martyr Barin Musical Group, Stêra, a musical group of the Hîlala Zêrîn Cultural Movement, took the stage.


Thousands of Kurdish, Arab Syriac, and Turkmen women gathered in Şêxmeqsûd and Eşrefiye neighborhoods of Aleppo to celebrate International Women’s Day with the motto, “We will protect our revolution, and liberate our lands”. Arin Efrin, a member of the YPJ, made the opening speech. Then, Seyfa Hesen, a member of the Syrian Women's Council, and Valantina Ebdo, a member of Kongra Star, made speeches. After the speeches, many musical groups such as Martyr Verjî Musical Group took the stage.