Women’s rally in Amed: We should unite against oppression

Women of Amed gathered at Istasyon Square to celebrate International Women’s Day. Every woman we interviewed at the square drew attention to the rise in femicide in Turkey and said, “We should unite against oppression.”


Amed- The International Women’s Day rally organized by the Dicle Amed Women's Platform (DAKAP) has begun at the Istasyon Square in Amed (Diyarbakır). The banners reading, “We protest male-state violence”, “Freedom to sick prisoners”, “Freedom to Aysel Tuğluk” and “We got our resistance from Garibe, our insistence from Mother Emine, our smile from Deniz” have been hung all around the square.

Women rejected the detailed search

Hundreds of women wearing their traditional dresses entered the square by holding flags reading, “Women, Life, Freedom”. While all roads to the square were surrounded by police barriers, police set up four checkpoints. Police tried to search women in detail but women rejected the detailed search. The determination of the women made police take a step back.

Support to Sezen Aksu

Women entering the square shouted slogans such as “Women, Life, Freedom”, “Political prisoners are our honor”, “Long live the resistance in prisons” and “Set up barriers against killers, not women”. Women who participated in the rally sang a song of Sezen Aksu, who came under attack on social media for her song, to support her. While the rally is still going on, we spoke to women participating in the rally.

“We should raise our voices against femicide”

Şükriye Balıkçı: “Women are killed in Turkey every day. But nobody raises their voices. People should raise their voices against femicide now. They should speak out against this oppression. Prisoners should be released. We should unite for women, children. I participate in the rally today to raise my voice. If women unite, nobody can kill them.”

“I am here to defend women’s rights”

Ayşe Gulan: “I am an 18-year-old young woman. Women’s struggle is very important for me. I will be in this struggle to the end. All women should take to the streets to demand their rights. I will always support women’s unity and struggle. Today, I am here with my friends to defend the rights of women.”

“We will not take a step back until all prisoners are released”

Medine Şeker: “Today, we participate in the rally to demand the rights of our children and prisoners. If the Kurdish people unite, they will be never defeated. We will not take a step back until all prisoners are released. We will keep struggling. Everyone should take to the streets to demand their rights.”

“We should resist so that the isolation is lifted”

Ayşe Ay: “We cannot unite. If we unite, we can overcome all challenges. If we unite, we can break the isolation. The Kurdish people should raise their voices to lift the isolation and end deaths.”