First fire of Newroz lit in Beytüşşebap by Peace Mothers

The first fire of 2022 Newroz was lit in Beytüşşebap with the participation of many women.

Şırnak- The first fire of 2022 Newroz was lit in the Beytüşşebap district of Şırnak province, near the border with the Federal Kurdistan Region. Newroz celebrations will be held this year with the motto “Dem dema serkeftinê ye (Now is the time to succeed)”. Representatives of political parties of the Kurdistan Alliance, the Democratic Society Congress (DTK), Peoples' Democratic Congress (HDK), Free Women’s Movement (TJA), and Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) and many people came together in Beytüşşebap to initiate 2022 Newroz celebrations. The people gathered at the building of the HDP in the district and marched to the center of the district by shouting the “Long Live Newroz” slogan.

“We light the fire of Newroz in the heart of Kurdistan”

Ebru Günay, the spokesperson of the HDP, made a speech at the event. Stating that they initiate the Newroz celebrations, Ebru Günay said, “Today, we light the fire of Newroz in the heart of Kurdistan. Kurds light the fire of Newroz everywhere. Today, we are going to light the first fire of Newroz at the foot of Mount Kato. We wish a happy Newroz, the beginning of spring, to all the peoples of the Middle East and the Kurdish people.”

“We light this fire for unity”

Saliha Aydeniz, Co-chair of the DBP, also made a speech. “The people of Botan have paid a great price. The fire to be lit here today will turn fascism, darkness, and bans into the light. The fire to be lit here will bring freedom and honorable peace. Despite all the bans, the Kurdish people come together. Today is the day for unity; we light this fire for unity. We are going to light the fire of freedom with the resistance of the people of Botan,” she said in her speech.

The first fire was lit by Peace Mothers

After the speech of Berdan Öztürk, the Co-chair of the DTK, people began to celebrate Newroz. The first fire of Newroz was lit by Peace Mothers in Beytüşşebap. Hundreds of people shouted slogans such as “Long Live Newroz”, “Long Live the resistance of Newroz”.