Call on women of Amed to join rally on March 8

As women’s organizations in Amed (Diyarbakır) have begun to hold many activities and events to mark International Women’s Day, they will hold a rally in the city on March 8. Lawyer Pirozhan Kaleli Güler, an Organizing Committee member of the rally, called on all women in Amed to join the rally.


Amed – Women have been holding activities and events across Turkey and Northern Kurdistan to mark International Women’s Day. The women of Amed will come together at the rally to be held on March 8. The women will raise their voices against the increasing gender-based violence, femicides, women’s exploited labor, and rights violations in prisons.

They have already applied for permission

Lawyer Pirozhan Kaleli Güler, an Organizing Committee member of the rally, told us that the rally is planned to be held at the İstasyon Square with the motto, “We will change, and it’s time for women’s freedom”. She said that they have already applied for permission to hold the rally.

“We invite all women to join the rally”

Calling on women of Amed to join the rally with the enthusiasm of Newroz, Pirozhan Kaleli Güler said, “Violence against women and femicide are our two main topics. We also carry out work for women facing rights violations in prisons. Every year, International Women’s Day is celebrated in Diyarbakır with great enthusiasm. We want to see this enthusiasm this year, too. We invite all women to join the rally with great enthusiasm.”

“We will hold the rally against labor exploitation”

Stating that they will stand for the rights of women, who are subjected to violence and exploited in every part of life, Saliha Zorlu said, “We focus on the labor exploitation faced by working women. At the rally, we will draw attention to the exploitation of women's labor. We try to draw attention to the importance of ILO Convention 190 (C190). Turkey should ratify this convention.”

“We try to raise awareness of the public against gender-based violence”

Saliha Zorlu called on working women to join the rally to raise their voices together. “Currently, we focus on violence against women; the net of violence that spreads to the whole society. Women working in the health and education sectors have been subjected to violence. As KESK (the Confederation of Public Employees' Trade Unions), we try to raise awareness of the public against gender-based violence in the workplace. The 8th March is the day of working women, we should unite on this day.”