Women of Shengal: We will struggle against the attacks

The women of Shengal held a march yesterday to condemn the ongoing Turkish attacks on Shengal. “We will struggle against the attacks,” they shouted.

Shengal- On August 29, Turkish drones targeted a car in Shengal and injured two YBŞ fighters. Yesterday, the people of Shengal held a march led by the Yazidi Free Women's Movement (Tevgera Azadiya Jinên Êzîdî-TAJÊ) and the Yazidi Youth Union in order to condemn the ongoing Turkish attacks on Shengal.

“The enemy must be held accountable”

Making a speech after the march, TAJÊ member Neam Bede said, “The occupying Turkish state has hated our people for years, it will attack us whenever it finds an opportunity. But we criticize the Iraqi government and those who cooperate with the Turkish state. In August, the occupying Turkish state attacked us again. These attacks are actually a continuation of the massacres against us. We expect nothing from the Iraqi government because there is no government in Iraq. We, as Yazidis, will always struggle against the attacks.”

“Our people must fight without stopping

Yazidi woman Emîna Kurkurkî said that Turkey has attacked Yazidis because it does not want Yazidis to develop themselves. “It attacks us again and again by targeting our children. The enemy does not want Yazidis to develop themselves. It does not want our children to be the leaders of our community. Our people should not remain silent against these attacks. Our people must fight without stopping.”