Police attack mothers wanting peace

Police attacked mothers trying to issue a statement in front of the Dolmabahçe Palace to mark 1st September World Peace Day.

Istanbul- Members of the Peace Mothers’ Initiative, the mothers holding Justice Watch for their children in prison, gathered in Istanbul’s Beşiktaş district to mark the 1st September World Peace Day. Issuing a press statement in front of the Dolmabahça Palace, the mothers expressed their demand for peace once again and addressed to the Dolmabahçe Agreement, a ten-point plan negotiated between Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan and the Turkish state for a resolution to the Kurdish question.

“We will keep demanding peace”

Peace Mothers’ Initiative member Aklime Keskin pointed out that all they want is peace. “We expect support from Turkish, Kurdish, Laz and all other mothers in our demand for peace. All we want is peace. We will keep demanding peace.”

Another Peace Mothers’ Initiative member Bedia Gökgüz also made a speech and said, “Be the voice of the Peace Mothers. Every day, people die in prison. This isolation must end. Everyone deserves to live in peace. We do not want to cry anymore.” Underlining that Kurdish mothers take their children’s bodies in boxes, Bedia Gökgüz said, “Mothers do not accept this. Enough is enough, put an end to this.”

“We face maltreatment every day”

“Every day, we face all kinds of bad and inhuman treatment. They kill our children and hide their bodies; their bodies are not given to their families. Their bodies are sent to their families in boxes. I condemn those who do this. Our children are our heroes.”

Police attacked them

After the speeches, police told the mothers to leave the area by claiming that making a statement was forbidden. The mothers were harassed by the police for a while. The mothers walking to Beşiktaş Pier to go home were stopped by the police. After a short discussion, the police attacked the mothers and detained three mothers.