‘The revolutionary synergy built by Kurdish women cannot be prevented’
Commenting on the second massacre against the Kurds in Paris, Sara Aktaş said that the male-dominant/ imperialist forces cannot prevent the revolutionary synergy built by Kurdish women.

News Center- While the anniversary of the murder three Kurdish women, on January 9, 2013, is approaching, another massacre was carried out against the Kurds in Paris on December 23, 2022. A person, who was released from prison just 11 days ago, carried out a gun attack on the Ahmet Kaya Kurdish Cultural Center in Paris and killed three Kurdish people, including Emine Kara (nom de guerre: Evin Goyi), one of the pioneers of the Kurdish women’s movement.
French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin announced that the gun attack was a racist attack; however, journalist-writer Sara Aktaş thinks that the gun attack was not an ordinary racist attack but a planned and organized attack.
‘A systematic policy of massacre has been carried out’
Condemning the attack and commemorating all the martyrs of Kurdistan in the person of those who lost their lives in the massacre, Sara Aktaş pointed out that a systematic policy of massacre has been carried out against the Kurdish Women’s Movement. “Today, we see this policy practiced by male-dominant/imperialist forces both in Europe and four parts of Kurdistan,” she said.
Emphasizing that the policies of massacre target the revolutionary synergy built by Kurdish women, Sara Aktaş said, “Our comrades were murdered in Paris on January 9, 2013, our comrade Nagihan was murdered in Bashur and a new massacre was carried out against Kurds in Paris on December 23. The aim of these massacres is to attack the struggle, resistance and uprising started by Kurdish women.”
‘Fascism is afraid of Kurdish women’
Pointing out that fascism is always afraid of organized, struggling, strong women, Sara Aktaş said, “Today, it attacks the Kurdish women’s movement, the builder of the women's revolution. They (fascist powers) know very well from history that the power of women has shaken their own darkness and destroyed their empire of fear. We can see this in the resistance of many women such as Dolores Ibárruri, Rosa Luxemburg, Clara Zetkin and in the great revolutionary resistance built by the Kurdish Women's Movement. We know that the patriarchal powers target women in Kurdistan and all around the world. Today, we see how Kurdish women are targeted because they are the representatives of this revolutionary synergy and the builders of a women's revolution.”
‘The French state has a first degree role’
Sara Aktaş stated that the massacre that took place in Paris on December 23 is a repetition of the massacre that took place on January 9, 2013. “If the French state had not covered up the massacre in 2013, the massacre on December 23 would not have been committed. This massacre was not an ordinary racist attack but a planned and organized attack. The French state has a first degree role in this massacre, as it had in the massacre in 2013.”
Sara Aktaş drew attention to French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin’s statement saying that they were not sure that the attacker directly targeted the Kurds, and that the target of the attack was foreigners and said, “This was a statement trying to show the attack as an ordinary attack. After his statement, thousands of people took to the streets to express their reactions.”
‘An organized and planned massacre’
Sara Aktaş told us that Kurdish people believe that the attacker was specially prepared in prison to attack Kurds. “The person, who carried out the massacre in Paris, had previously attacked the refugee camps twice and was released from prison 12 days ago. We think this person was specially prepared in prison to attack Kurds. This person was released from prison 12 days ago and brought to the street, where Kurds live, by a private car. He targeted Kurdish organizations and Kurdish shops. The murderer said, ‘I do not like Kurds’, he openly said ‘I am a fascist’. We watched the footage of the massacre and spoke to the witnesses. The murderer was quite professional and calm. His behaviors show that he was trained in prison, and that the MIT (Turkish National Intelligence Organization) had a role in the massacre,” she said.
‘The Kurds clearly showed their reaction to the massacre’
Sara Aktaş emphasized that the Kurdish people are aware of the role of the French state in the massacres in Paris and that the Kurdish people are very angry because the massacre was carried out during the preparations for the anniversary of the Paris Massacre in 2013.
She added, “The massacre sparked anger among the Kurds in France. A crash broke out between the French police and the protesters.”
‘We will not stop until the perpetrators of massacres are brought to account’
Sara Aktaş said that the only option of the Kurdish people and women is to struggle and fight against brutal attacks. Sara Aktaş concluded her speech by saying, “We have been subjected to such attacks for years. If we have an organized resistance, if we unite against these atrocities and massacres, the persecutors and those who carry out massacres against us will definitely take a step back. The male-dominant/ imperialist forces are always afraid of organized, struggling, strong women. They are afraid of the revolutionary synergy built by Kurdish women. The male-dominant/ imperialist forces cannot prevent this revolutionary synergy.”