Gülistan’s killer sent to prison, her body still kept in morgue!

Amed – 37-year-old Gülistan Şaylemez was killed on February 15 in the Yenişehir district of Diyarbakır by her 28-year-old brother Abdullah Şaylemez. He was sent to prison yesterday after being questioned at the police station. The body of Gülistan was taken to the morgue of the Selahaddin Eyyübi State Hospital after the autopsy. No one has reportedly applied to the morgue to take her body even if two days have passed.
Reports say that Gülistan Şaylemez moved to Diyarbakır after got divorced in Germany and she was threatened by her family. Gülistan filed a criminal complaint against her father and her relative Adil S. due to threats she received 10 days before she was killed. Even if she got a protection order, Gülistan Şaylemez became a victim of femicide like other women due to neglect of official authorities.