Turkish Assembly’s Committee on Equality has no meeting for 6 months

The Turkish Grand National Assembly's Committee on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men should have a meeting once a month but it hasn’t organized a meeting for six months while four women are killed in Turkey every day.
News Center- The Turkish Grand National Assembly's Committee on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men (KEFEK) hasn’t organized a meeting since July 1, 2020.
The Committee on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men (KEFEK) was created in 2019 by the Turkish Grand National Assembly to close the gap between women and men, to combat discrimination and violence against women. The committee has broad authority. But the authorized committee hasn’t come together for six months while four women are killed in Turkey every day.
CHP's proposal would be discussed
Republican People's Party (CHP) submitted a legislative proposal to the parliament demanding “stalking” to be defined as a crime. If KEFEK had organized a meeting to come together this week, they would discuss the legislative proposal. But the meeting has been postponed until next week.
The definition of “stalking” should be changed
“Stalking” isn’t defined as a separate crime in the Turkish Penal Code. Republican People's Party (CHP) submitted a legislative proposal to the parliament demanding “stalking” to be defined as a separate crime type. The MPs also don’t have any information about why the meeting of the KEFEK was postponed. The Committee is expected to organize at least a meeting a month.