Murder of Faize Meleki sparks protest in Sanandaj

On October 3, a woman named Faize Meleki was brutally killed by her father in Sanandaj (Sine), the capital of Kurdistan Province in Iran. Women holding a protest in front of the courthouse in the city protested the murder of Faize Meleki and the impunity for the killings of women.

News Center- Human rights organizations in Iran and East Kurdistan announced on their official websites that they held a protest in front of the courthouse of Sanandaj (Sine), the capital of Kurdistan Province in Iran to protest the murder of Faize Meleki, who was brutally killed by her father, and the impunity for the killings of women. According to the statement shared on the websites, women carried banners reading, “Stop femicides”, “Enough is enough”, “There is no safe place for women” and “Stop the killing of women under the name of honor”.  During the protest, the women holding the protest drew attention to the murder of 22-year-old Faize Meleki, who was burned to death by her father in Sine on October 3.

Women reacted to the impunity for the killings of women

The women also drew attention to the increasing number of femicides in Iran and East Kurdistan and reacted to the impunity for the killing of women. The women criticized the judicial system in Iran and said, “The judicial system protects the killers claiming they killed women to protest their honor.”