Women's protest in Sulaymaniyah against Turkish attacks “Today is the day of resistance against colonialism”

Women held a mess march in the city of Sulaymaniyah against the ongoing Turkish attacks supported by the KDP in the Kurdistan Region. “Today is the day of resistance against colonialism,” they said.

Sulaymaniyah - Women took to the streets of Sulaymaniyah last night to protest the military operation launched by Turkey in the Kurdistan Region on April 17 with the support of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP). The women carried photographs of killed women and shouted slogans such as, “Terrorist Erdoğan” and “No to occupation”. They marched from Salim Avenue to Emme Sureke.

After the march, Çiro Şiwanî read a statement on behalf of the women. “The Turkish state is an occupying state and it does everything to show this. Today, we are under the attacks of occupation and exploitation more than ever. Today is the day of resistance against colonialism. We will no longer allow our country's territories to be bombarded. Today is the day of struggle against colonialism and betrayal, resistance against fascism,” she said in the statement.