Protests in Kurdistan Region against Turkish attacks

People continue to take to the streets across the Kurdistan Region to protest the ongoing Turkish attacks and the support of the KDP in the attacks.

News Center-The ground and air cross-border operation launched by the Turkish state in the territories of the Kurdistan Region and Iraq on April 17, continues to spark protests across the Kurdistan Region. While the countries in the region remain silent against the Turkish attacks, the citizens have been taking to the streets to protest the attacks and the KDP. The citizens demand the end of the attacks in their region.


Today, the people, including politicians, activists, and journalists, gathered in front of the building of the Iraqi Parliamentary Office in Sulaymaniyah and protested the occupation attempt. The people shouted the “Get out the Turkish army, get out” slogan and summited a letter to the Iraqi Parliament to end the occupation.


The people took the streets of the Tekye village of Chamchamal to protest the Turkish attacks and the KDP. During the protest, the people shouting slogans such as “Defend Kurdistan against betrayal and colonialism”, “Terrorist Erdoğan” and “Damn betrayal” demanded the end of the attacks.


The people of Darbandikhan held a march to protest the operation in the Kurdistan Region and called on the UN and the international community to stop the attacks.


In the town of Qaladze, north of Sulaymaniyah, a march was held led by the Patriotic Youth Association to protest the ongoing Turkish attacks in the Kurdistan Region. After the march, women issued a statement and said, “We don’t want a foreign power in our region, leave our region.”