Women of Shengal commemorate Zeynep Kınacı

The Yazidi Free Women's Movement (TAJÊ) held a commemoration for Zeynep Kınacı, who lost her life in Dersin in 1996, and promised to follow her struggle.

Shengal - A commemoration was held in Shengal with the participation of the members of the Yazidi Free Women's Movement (TAJÊ), Shengal Peoples’ Assembly in memory of Zeynep Kınacı (nom de guerre: Zilan) , who lost her life after having committed a suicide attack in Dersim on June 30, 1996.

After a minute of silence, TAJÊ Coordination member Cîhan Celo made a short speech. Talking about Zeynep Kınacı, Cîhan Celo said, “She was a resisting woman. Despite all the difficulties, she was involved in the Kurdish Freedom Movement and played an important role in the revolution. Zeynep Kınacı carried out a guerrilla action in order to frustrate the conspiracy. She sacrificed her life for the freedom of those after her. She wrote a history with her blood. We educate ourselves to follow her path.”

After her speech, a film screen took place during the commemoration. Then, TAJÊ member Emşê Korkorî made a speech and said, “Thanks to Zeynep Kınacı’s efforts, we are stronger today. We will follow her struggle.”