Turkey: 28 women killed in March

28 women were killed, the deaths of 19 women were reported suspicious deaths, says the 2021 March Report prepared by the We Will End Femicide Platform. The report criticizes Turkey’s withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and underlines that 28 women would be alive if the convention was implemented.

News Center- We Will End Femicide Platform has released its 2021 March Report. 28 women were killed in March; the deaths of 19 women were reported suspicious deaths, says the report. “It could not be determined why 20 out of the 28 women were killed; 1 woman was killed out of economic reasons, 7 women were killed because of deciding about their own life, such as asking for a divorce, refusing to make peace, refusing to marry, and be in the relationship. 13 women were killed by their husbands, 4 women were killed by men they knew, 3 women were killed by their partners, 3 women were killed by their ex-husbands, 2 women were killed by their relatives, 2 women were killed by their brothers and 1 woman was killed by her ex-partner,” says the report.

“64% of women were killed in their homes”

The report reveals that 64% of women were killed in their homes, “14 of them were killed by firearms, 9 of them by sharp objects, 3 of them were choked to death, and 1 of them was burned to death. The failure to determine the reasons for 20 femicides is because the violence against women and femicides are invisible. Unless the reasons are determined by whom and why the women were killed; unless a fair trial is held, suspects, defendants, and murderers receive deterrent punishments and preventive measures are not implemented, violence against women will continue to increase.”

“We will keep struggling”

Women criticize Turkey’s withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in the report and say that 28 women would be alive if the convention was implemented.