Detention of 22 women sparks anger on social media: You cannot make women take even a step back

In the morning, police raided many houses in Amed and detained 22 women. The detentions have sparked anger on social media. One of the tweets reads, “You cannot make women take even a step back with attacks, repressions, detentions, and arrests. We will continue to struggle. #KadınMücadelesiEngellenemez! (Women’s struggle cannot be prevented)”

News Center- In the morning, police raided the building of Rosa Women’s Association, and many houses in Amed (Diyarbakır) and detained 22 women, including Jinnews reporter Beritan Canözer and representatives of political parties. The detention of women sparks anger on social media. Some of the tweets are as follows;

Kırkyama: You make more effort for the abolition of the Istanbul Convention, not for stopping femicides. You kill more of us by detaining women, who struggle against male violence! We don’t keep silent, we are not afraid, we don’t obey! #KadınMücadelesiEngellenemez (Women’s struggle cannot be prevented)

Yeni Yaşam Kadın: This morning, the building of Rosa Women’s Association was raided and 22 women, including Figen Aras, one of the writers of Yeni Yaşam Kadın (New Life Women), were detained. Women’s struggle and solidarity cannot be prevented! You cannot make women take even a step back with attacks, repressions, detentions, and arrests. We will continue to struggle. #KadınMücadelesiEngellenemez!

Bodrum Kadın Dayanışma Derneği (Bodrum Women's Solidarity Association): #KadınMücadelesiEngellenemez! We cannot see an effective struggle of the state against male violence; however, its unlawful practices against women struggling against male violence are obvious. Women struggle existed, exists and it will exist!

Beycan Taşkıran: We will neither give up on the Istanbul Convention nor our organized women's stance.

Şevin Coşkun: Women’s struggle cannot be prevented with the attacks and operations against the Rosa Women's Association, which has struggled with violence against women. #KadınMücadelesiEngellenemez!

TJA WAN: We do not accept policies of oppression, detention, and intimidation against women and we will continue to defend ourselves against the male-dominated mentality of the system, we exist and we will always exist!

Nuran İmir: The government is increasing the dose of its pressure day by day against women’s will, living spaces, and political identity. It should be known that you will never be able to break the will of women; we will stand against you by strengthening our struggle day by day.

Dilşat Canbaz: Women’s struggle cannot stand trial!