Police prevent women from issuing press statement

Members of the Women's Platform for Equality (Eşitlik İçin Kadın Platformu-EŞİK) wanted to issue a press statement before submitting an additional petition to the Council of State for the Istanbul Convention but police prevented them.

News Center - Members of the Women's Platform for Equality (Eşitlik İçin Kadın Platformu-EŞİK) wanted to issue a press statement before submitting an additional petition to the Council of State to cancel the presidential decree pulling back Turkey from the Istanbul Convention. However, police prevented women from issuing a press statement.

Lawyer Yelda Koçak, a member of the EŞİK, said the police prevented them from issuing a press statement without showing any official decision. “There are other laws other than the Constitution!” police told women and didn’t allow women to issue the press statement.

Istanbul Convention will expire on July 1, 2021 in Turkey. Many women’s organizations, political parties, and NGOs have applied to the Turkish Council of State to cancel the presidential decree pulling back Turkey from the Istanbul Convention.