Male violence injures 2 women

Two women were attacked by men in Ankara and Bursa. Gülizar Ö. was attacked and seriously injured by her ex-husband in Ankara while Songül Ü. was shot and injured by her partner in Bursa province after she wanted to leave home due to the violence she faced.
News Center- We read news about violence against women in Turkey every day. Women are more often attacked by men for wanting a break, asking for a divorce, or rebuilding their lives.
In Ankara, a woman named Gülizar Ö. was stabbed by her ex-husband Necati Ö. According to received reports, Necati Ö. demanded to talk with Gülizar Ö. but he began to stab her. The citizens around them reported the incident to the police. Seriously injured Gülizar Ö. was taken to hospital. She has been kept in the intensive care unit. The man has been taken into custody.
She was shot for wanting to leave home
In Bursa, a woman named Songül Ü. tried to leave home after being subjected to violence by her partner Şenol Ş. The man shot and injured Songül Ü. The woman has been taken to Bursa City Hospital while the man runs away. Songül Ü. has reportedly a risk of death.