“Women journalists will not bow down”

Mesopotamia Female Journalists’ Platform issued a written statement on the occasion of the World Press Freedom Day: “We will keep being in the fields saying, ‘neither your laws nor your prohibitions’ as we did in past.”

News Center- Mesopotamia Female Journalists’ Platform (MKGP) issued a written statement titled, “For those who pursue freedom and truth” on the occasion of the World Press Freedom Day, May 3.

“Today is May 3, World Press Freedom Day. Unfortunately, although it has a rather ironic meaning for us in the geography we live in, as those who know what freedom means, and those who struggle for it, and those who work for it, we celebrate the day of all our colleagues. Surely, we are aware of conditions under which all freedoms are usurped. As many of our colleagues are behind bars, those who have kept working in the fields have faced detention, investigation, or violence while reporting. The last ban shows us that journalism is not a profession anymore but it has turned into a field of resistance. Those who threaten us to confiscate our cameras can censor our news, close our organizations, block our websites, and we know that those who do these are the ones who use laws according to their benefits and deceive society. Therefore, we become the target of the governments for reporting these. For this reason, today is not a celebration day for us but we remind on this day that we will not bow down to attackers.”