“Turkey leaves its people dead”

“The economic crisis caused by the pandemic, the pressure in society, and the policies of the government condemn youth, women, LGBTI people to futurelessness. Health workers work in inhumane conditions. Laborers work in inhumane conditions. Turkey leaves its people dead,” said Ecem Selen, member of the Association of Psychologists for Social Solidarity (TODAP).


Ankara- Suicide cases are increasing day by day due to economic crisis, poverty, unemployment, and concern for the future. The rate of suicide cases, which has increased due to economic problems in recent years, has increased more during the pandemic. People commit suicide mostly because of social problems rather than psychological problems. We talked to the Association of Psychologists for Social Solidarity (TODAP) member Ecem Selen about the increasing suicide rate and the relationship between suicide and government.

·         We have received much bad news one after another such as the increasing social violence, political pressure, and Covid-19 pandemic and economic crisis. Every day, we have faced new rights violations, femicides, child murders, destruction of nature, and cruelty to animals and at the same time, we have struggled against poverty. What are these effects on our mental health?

“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity,” says WHO (World Health Organization). Mental health can be defined as a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own environment. This state of well-being can vary depending on the situation in which the person lives. Unfortunately, the current situation in Turkey prevents people from organizing both social and individual well-being. The capitalist system leaves people alone with the policies of the current government and our mental health is adversely affected by this.

·         According to the Turkish Statistical Institute, eight people kill themselves every day. Why does the rate of suicide increase?

Suicide is a psychosocial phenomenon, with many contributing and facilitating variables. The economic crisis caused by the pandemic, the pressure in society, and the policies of the government condemn youth, women, LGBTI people to futurelessness. Health workers work in inhumane conditions. Laborers work in inhumane conditions. Turkey leaves its people dead.

“People live on the breadline”

·         Do war and economic crisis increase suicide cases?

War is a state of violence causing traumatic experiences for humanity. While many people die, those who remain behind try to survive from the trauma and losses they experienced. The life of refugee people, such as Syrian and Afghani people, who come here to build a new life is an example of this. The problem is not the people affected by the war, but the war policies themselves. The state of peace should be a priority for the whole world and our country. The economic crisis is another factor that negatively affects people. The number of people saying, “We fail to make ends meet” increases during the pandemic. People, who become unemployed, live on the breadline. The people keep working without comprehensive measures. Such situations of course negatively affect the well-being of people…

“Solidarity network with NGOs should be built”

·         Do you think it is correct to explain the reasons for suicides only with the economic crisis?

As I mentioned before, the phenomenon of suicide has many reasons. People’s economic condition is surely important but we believe that the solidarity network with NGOs is important. A solidarity network with NGOs should be built.