“The HPV vaccine is one of our weapons”

The HPV vaccine can prevent most cases of cervical cancer but the cost of the vaccine is not covered by insurance in Turkey. Most women cannot get this life-saving vaccine due to its high price. Obstetrician and gynecologist Irmak Saraç states that this vaccine should be free of charge for everyone. “This vaccine is one of the weapons against HPV.”

Istanbul- Women in Turkey have demanded the HPV vaccine, which prevents most cases of cervical cancer, be free of charge for everyone and included in the national vaccination program. Although this issue has been brought to the agenda of the parliament many times, no steps have been taken yet. Obstetrician and gynecologist Irmak Saraç, a member of the Turkish Medical Association (TTB) High Honour Council, spoke to JINHA.  Drawing attention to the importance of the vaccine, she said, “You must continue to join the screening program even if you have been vaccinated.”
“The vaccine can protect you”
“HPV is a major cause of cervical cancer. There are about 14 high-risk HPV types,” Irmak Saraç said, “HPV screening can detect pre-cancer lesions of cervical cancer. But the HPV vaccine can protect you from cancer.”
“Lesion rates are significantly lower in vaccinated individuals compared to unvaccinated”
“The HPV vaccine provides almost 100% protection,” Irmak Saraç said that the lesion rates in vaccinated individuals are significantly lower than in non-vaccinated individuals. “This vaccine is one of our weapons to prevent cancer. An up-to-date screening method is used today. The HPV test is done if abnormal cells are detected, a Pap test is done on the same sample. According to the cell changes detected by the Pap test, the HPV type is detected. If no HPV virus is detected, the test is done again after five years.”
“The HPV vaccine should be free of charge for everyone”
Underlining that HPV test is foreseen to be done every five years, but due to its high cost, the people prefer Pap test, which should be done every three years, Irmak Saraç continued to talk as follows:
“When the Ministry started HPV screening, it put HPV vaccine on the agenda. In the presentations made by the ministry, the HPV vaccine was mentioned. But because of the high cost of the vaccine, it wasn’t included in the national vaccination program. Its cost is really very high.”
Stating that most developed countries provide HPV vaccines at no cost to children, Irmak Saraç said that HPV vaccines can be given starting at age 9 years, and that second doses are given the children under the age of 15 and third doses above the age of 15.
WHO and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend HPV vaccination for everyone through age 26 years.
Campaigns for the HPV vaccine to be covered by insurance
In Turkey, many campaigns have been launched to demand HPV vaccine be free of charge for everyone. Önce Çocuklar ve Kadınlar Derneği (Children and Women First Association) filed a lawsuit in order to include HPV vaccine in the national vaccination program. According to the initial expert report submitted to the court, the HPV vaccine is necessary against cervical cancer.
In addition, lawyer Kardelen Yarli, a member of the Istanbul Bar Association’s Child and Women's Rights Center, applied to the Social Security Directorate in Istanbul (SGK) and demanded the cost she had paid for the HPV vaccine to be given back to her. Then, she demanded HPV vaccine be free of charge for everyone.