RJAK announces its program in Sulaymaniyah for International Women's Day

Kurdistan Free Women's Movement (RJAK) has announced its program in Sulaymaniyah for International Women’s Day, March 8. The movement will organize a painting exhibition, plant trees, distribute roses and hold mass celebrations.

Sulaymaniyah- Kurdistan Free Women's Movement (RJAK) held a press conference in the city of Sulaymaniyah, Federal Kurdistan Region, to announce their program for the International Women’s Day, March 8. The press statement was read by Jino Reşid, who said that International Women’s Day has an important place in the women’s struggle.

“March 8 is a holy day for women”

Noting that March 8 is a holy day for women all around the world struggling against the patriarchal mentality, Jino Reşid said, “We commemorate all women such as Rosa Luxemburg, Clara Zetkin, Sakine Cansız, Viyan Soran, Leyla Qasim, and Şilan who dedicated their lives to the struggle for freedom. This year, we will hold our activities on March 8 with their spirit of resistance by following in their footsteps. We will fight until we get all our rights back and build a free life.”

The program of the RJAK in Sulaymaniyah is as follows:

March 1: Painting exhibition

March 2: Planting trees in the Hawari Şar Park

March 3: Distributing roses to women in the city center

March 4: A mass celebration will be held on March 8 with the participation of many artists in Berdeqereman.