Rape cases increase in Jordan due to non- deterrent punishments!

Although rapists are punished in Jordan, rape cases have increased in the country and this shows that the punishments have no real deterrent effect or the effect of reducing rape crimes.

Amman- Turkey’s “marry your rapist” bill was proposed and it sparked outrage in the country. In Jordan, this law was revoked in 2010 and the Shari'a courts have sentenced the rapists vert severe punishments. 
The penalties faced by rapists, sexual assaulters are changed. But according to the Security Directorate's Criminal Information Department report, the rape cases have been increasing in the country despite severe punishments. And this shows us that the punishments have no real deterrent effect or the effect of reducing rape crimes.
According to the report, the number of rape cases was 138 in 2016, 145 in 2017, 140 in 2018, 172 in 2019 and 200 in 2020.