“I have the right to make my own decisions” campaign by Egyptian women

Egyptian feminist women have launched the “I have the right to make my own decisions” campaign on social media. Women call on all Egyptian women to join and support their campaign.
Cairo – On March 14, Egyptian women launched a campaign called “I have the right to make my own decisions” on social media. Women, who have been deprived of many rights in daily life, have announced that they do not even have the right to make decisions about their children and that they demand their fundamental rights.
Egyptian mothers are responsible for raising their children, while men are legally responsible for the children. An Egyptian mother cannot even change the school of her child because “she has no right” and this situation unites Egyptian women under the umbrella of the same campaign. Women demand not only the rights of mothers but also the right of women to choose a spouse without asking male family members for their permission.
Egyptian women, who lost their spouses, have no legal rights over their children. They cannot even travel with their children without asking male family members for their permission.
Egyptian women wait for a response
Egyptian women have waited for a response from the Egyptian government. Through the campaign, the Egyptian women emphasize that they can take responsibility for their lives and their children’s lives.