Latest News

11:46 actual ‘The effective implementation of Law-58 can prevent violence against women
10:18 actual Kongra Star Spokesperson: Women started a revolution within the revolution
08:49 actual Meral Danış Beştaş: We determined our candidates through primary elections that will serve as a model for world politics
07:47 actual Elaheh Mohammadi and Niloofar Hamedi released on bail
13:35 actual TJA to hold international conference on women political prisoners
13:03 actual HRW: Everyday life in Iran feels like a battle with a corrupt, autocratic government
12:33 actual Pressures in Şakran Women's Closed Prison increase
12:20 actual 76-year-old Hanife Arslan’s request for suspension of her sentence rejected
10:43 actual Education program started in memory of 3 Kurdish women politicians continues
10:34 actual Kongra Star to open health center in Qamishlo
08:58 actual Two sisters kidnapped in Afrin
08:47 actual ‘More efforts are needed to eliminate female genital mutilation’
12:58 actual People of Gaza struggle against infectious diseases and hunger
11:40 actual IFJ calls on Iranian authorities to release all imprisoned journalists and media workers
11:38 actual Nasim Sultan Beigi banned from family visits again
10:38 community/life ‘We will keep resisting for an honorable life’
10:36 actual Women of Sweida: The economic collapse affects all sectors
09:44 actual Support from Manbij to political prisoners on hunger strike
08:10 actual ‘Prison administration forces prisoners on hunger strike to serve food’
13:33 actual ‘Women-headed households are the most vulnerable population group in Afghanistan’
13:19 sport Female horse rider in Raqqa: We must realize our dreams
11:39 actual Salwa Latif: ‘We must make our voices heard’
10:28 actual Israel’s war on Gaza enters its 96th day
09:47 actual ‘Women can realize their dreams by breaking the cycle of violence’
08:51 actual ‘We must strengthen the struggle and make it successful with Sara's spirit of resistance’
14:30 actual Commemoration for 3 Kurdish women politicians murdered in Paris
13:42 actual DEM Party to hold demonstration in solidarity with Palestinian people
13:00 actual Fire erupted at hospital in Iraq kills four premature babies
12:45 actual Taliban arrest women for wearing ‘bad hijab’
12:37 labor/economy ‘Libyan women need projects promoting their economic empowerment’
11:26 actual Yemeni Women's Union fights violence against women
10:04 actual ‘The Social Contract has been amended as a requirement for democracy’
08:25 actual Women journalists: We follow in the footsteps of Sakine Cansız
14:16 actual Rozerin Çukur commemorated at her grave
13:33 actual Two women climbers found dead after going missing on Mount Sabalan
13:31 actual Kongra Star: We will always resist all kinds of massacres!
12:36 actual More than 10 children losing legs in Gaza every day
12:05 actual ‘All countries remain silent about the crimes committed against women and children in Gaza’
10:46 actual 94th day of Israeli attacks on Gaza
10:33 actual ‘Women's participation in the drafting of the Social Contract was 50 percent'
09:57 actual ‘Leadership and Project Management’ program aims to support female entrepreneurs in Mauritania
08:21 actual ‘Paris Massacre was conducted by nationalist and sexist motivators’
14:24 politics DEM Party requests Parliamentary investigation into killing of 3 Kurdish women politicians
13:52 actual Iranian political activist Mahnaz Tarrah sentenced to more than 4 years in prison
13:51 actual People living in occupied Idlib face difficult living conditions
12:36 community/life Free people of deserts: Bedouins
10:00 actual ‘Syrian government must lift the siege on Shahba’
08:59 actual Iman Al-Halaf: Family law is an opportunity for women
14:16 actual Iran executes four women in three days
13:31 actual Turkey: Men kill 315 women in 2023