Şarifa Haddadi sells flat bread on shores of Lake Zrewar to earn living

Şarifa Haddadi, a resident of Eastern Kurdistan’s Marivan city, has earned a living for her family by selling flat bread to tourists on the shores of Lake Zrewar for 15 years. She thinks women should stand on their own feet.


Marivan- Lake Zrewar located in Eastern Kurdistan’s Marivan city, has become an important source of income for many people. Many women earn a living by selling souvenirs or homemade foods to tourists on the shores of the lake.

Şarifa Haddadi, one of these women, became the only breadwinner for her two children after her divorce. “I do not want to be financially dependent on anyone,” said Şarifa, who has made and sold flat bread on the shores of the lake for 15 years.

‘I stand on my own feet’

Since the municipality does not allow women to sell souvenirs or homemade foods around the lake, Şarifa collects her belongings at night. “I pay our rent and cover the expenses of my children. Sometimes, I have to work late at night. Sometimes, I earn nothing. I got divorced because my husband never was with us; he always stayed in the village or other cities. My children asked me to make a decision. I got divorced and now live with my children.”

‘Women have no rights in society’

Being a working mother is difficult, Şarifa Haddadi said, adding, “You receive no support in society. Women have no rights in society. As women, we must work to stand on our own feet without depending on anyone.”