19 men to question patriarchal system during 20-day workshop in Aleppo

Kongreya Star has organized a 20-day workshop for men in Aleppo. 19 men have participated in the workshop and they will discuss many issues, including women’s history and social gender. “Women and men should know each other to build a free society. Only in this way can we achieve equality and justice,” said Osman Piling, one of the 19 men.


Aleppo- Male-dominant system can be changed when men change. Within this scope, Kongreya Star Education Committee has organized a 20-day workshop with the participation of 19 men in NE Syria. During the workshop, the men will focus on many topics such as women's history, natural society, gynecology, and gender. Mûne Mihemed, a member of the Kongreya Star Education Committee, stated that a group of women will evaluate the works of the workshop and the progress made by 19 men.

“Men will discuss the patriarchal system”

Mûne Mihemed noted that men have voluntarily participated in the workshop, “We have kicked off our first stage with the participation of 19 men. We will carry out a workshop to question the power mindset and patriarchal system. The social fabric that will ensure women's freedom constitutes a whole and we can achieve this whole only with equal education.”

“I am happy to receive education from women”

Aleppo Municipality Councilmember Osman Piling is one of the 19 men participating in the workshop. He pointed out that it is very important to listen to the history of women's freedom from women themselves. Stating that he is happy to receive education from women, Osman Piling said, “I think the workshop will make a long-term change on our personalities. Women and men should know each other to build a free society. Only in this way can we achieve equality and justice. We try to question ourselves during the workshop.”