Yazidi women react to use of chemical weapons: They are encouraged by silence

The women of Shengal, who think that the Turkish state uses chemical weapons because it is encouraged by the international silence, criticize the silence of the OPCW and human rights organizations.


Shengal (Sinjar)- While the use of chemical weapons in the Kurdistan Region by the Turkish state has been condemned all around the world, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) and human rights organizations still remain silent. The OPCW is an intergovernmental organization and the implementing body for the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), which entered into force on 29 April 1997. Despite the footage showing the use of chemical weapons by the Turkish state, the OPCW has not fulfilled its responsibility. The women of Shengal also criticize the silence of the OPCW and human rights organizations.

“I condemn the international silence”

Kinê Xidir, member of the Yazidi Free Women's Movement (Kurdish: Tevgera Azadiya Jinên Êzîdî-TAJÊ), points out that the Turkish state has been using chemical weapons in the Kurdistan Region for six months. “I condemn the international silence against this crime. The Turkish state has been attacking the guerrillas by using chemical weapons. We call on all states in the world to raise their voices against the use of chemical weapons. The guerrillas came to help us while the whole world watched the genocide committed against us by ISIS. We will never forget their support and we will support their cause,” she told us.

“Occupation is tolerated”

 TAJÊ member Fîliz Elî condemns the use of chemical weapons by the Turkish state. “The Turkish state and its partner KDP (Kurdistan Democratic Party) have been attacking the guerrillas. The Turkish state uses chemical weapons against the guerrillas because it understood that it could not defeat the guerrillas. We are alive today thanks to the guerrillas. When ISIS committed the genocide against us, the whole world remained silent, just watched. However, the guerrillas came here to protect us. They waged a great resistance against ISIS. The International organizations tolerate the Turkish state, which attacks our region to invade it. The Turkish state is encouraged by the international silence. We will never forget how the guerrillas fought to protect us.”