Detained 57 people in Istanbul released

Last night, 57 people were detained while protesting the detention of Şebnem Korur Fincancı and 11 journalists in Istanbul. The detained people have been released today.

News Center- Last night, a demonstration was held in Istanbul to protest the detention of Şebnem Korur Fincancı, president of the Turkish Medical Association (TTB) and 11 journalists. Police attacked the protesters and detained 57 of them.

The detained people were taken to the Istanbul Security Directorate in Vatan Street on charges of “insulting public officials”, “Violating the law on meetings and demonstration”. After being questioned at the security directorate, they have been released.

Hanifi Zengin provoked the protesters

After being released, the women protesters said that Hanifi Zengin, the security branch director at the İstanbul Security Directorate, provoked the protesters. “We say once again that Şebnem Korur Fincancı is not alone and that the free press cannot be silenced,” the women said.