Yazidi women kick off activities against gender-based violence
Shengal Young Women’s Union has been carried out activities to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

Shengal (Sinjar)- Yazidi women, who faced the most brutal violence during the genocide committed against them by ISIS in 2014, keep struggling while healing their wounds.
The Shengal Young Women’s Union has kicked off their activities to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. Yesterday, they distributed leaflets in Sînûn and Shengal to raise awareness regarding violence against women and hung photos women victims of femicide and women fighters, who lost their lives while protecting their people.
Speaking about the activities, Shengal Young Women’s Union members Hediya Hecî and Zîlan Şengalî said that although there are some changes in the Yazidi community, some Yazidi women are still subjected to violence and oppression. “As young women, we will do our part to eliminate violence against women by carrying out awareness- raising activities.”