Women to take to streets with spirit of resistance

Activities and events will be held for International Women’s Day, on March 8 across Turkey. Women will also organize rallies in Kurdish cities, Mardin, Amed, Şırnak, and Batman cities. All women in the region are invited to attend the rally with great enthusiasm. “Let’s join the rallies with the spirit of Newroz.”


Mêrdin- Women of Botan region have been working to organize activities and events for International Women’s Day, March 8, with great enthusiasm. The women have already begun to work to hold rallies in four cities. The organizers of the rallies call on all women in the region to join the rallies to “Unite against male-state violence.”

“We aim to reach all women”

Fatma Doğan, an activist of the Free Women’s Movement (TJA), spoke to NuJINHA about the rally to be held in Batman province. Stating that they will visit village to village in order to invite women to the rally, Fatma Doğan said that they will initiate their activities and events for IWD on March 1.

“We will hold meetings in the villages and city center. We will discuss what we can do for women. Recently, more women have been subjected to violence, harassment, and rape.  We will take to the streets to speak out against gender-based violence. We, as women, will take to the streets on March 8. All women should join the rallies to demand their rights,” Fatma Doğan said.

“Women of Botan are ready for IWD with great enthusiasm”

Songül Eden, an activist of the TJA working in Şırnak, calls on the women of Botan to join the rally to be held in Şırnak on March 8. “We, as the women of Botan, should raise our voices. We should take to the streets to respond to the male-state system. Not only the women of Botan, but also all working and resisting women around the world should take to the streets for our rights. We should join hands and organize,” Songül Eden said.

“We will take to the streets with the spirit of Newroz”

Yasemin Üçer, an activist of the TJA in Amed, underlined that March 8 is a symbol of resistance for women. “All women should protect their rights to mark International Women’s Day. We call on women to join the rally in Amed with the spirit of Newroz. We, as the women of Amed, will be the voice of imprisoned women and protest the isolation. For this reason, we initiated our activities and events for International Women’s Day in Kerboran (Dargeçit).”

“We can do everything if we unite”

Aysel Ayav, an activist of the TJA in Mardin, spoke about their activities for International Women’s Day in Mardin. “We, as women, can do everything if we unite and organize. If we organize better and unite, we can end gender-based violence and femicides. In this way, we can gain more achievements and protect our current achievements. We began to hold our activities for IWD in February. We take to the streets and we will continue to take to the streets for our rights.”