Women journalists in Sweida: We work to make the voices of our people heard
Women journalists in Sweida keep working to make the voices of the protesters heard all around the world.

Sweida- The peaceful protests erupted in the Druze majority city of Sweida over the high inflation rate and deteriorating economic situation in Syria on August 17, 2023 continue on their second months. “I keep working to make the voices of the protesters heard all around the world,” said journalist Nur Al-Nahit. “As journalists covering the protests, we make double efforts to make the voices of the protesters, especially women protesters, heard all around the world.”
Pointing to the high participation of women in the protests, she said, “This proves that women participate in politics in Sweida.” Speaking about the obstacles faced by women journalists covering the protests, she said, “Every day, we make great efforts to cover protests although security forces try to prevent us. But we will keep doing journalism.”
‘I have been subjected to smear campaigns’
In her speech, journalist Areej Al-Muhtar also pointed to the high participation of women in the protests. “We face many challenges while covering the protests. I have been subjected to smear campaigns on social media platforms for my reports. The members of Bashar al-Assad’s social media army have targeted me but I do not care about their comments. I keep doing journalism.”