RAWA expresses its solidarity with KJK
The Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA) released a statement expressing Afghan women’s gratitude to the Kurdistan Women’s Communities (KJK) for standing with them and making their voices heard all around the world.

Kabul- The Kurdistan Women’s Communities (Komalên Jinên Kurdistan-KJK) Coordination announced that they would run a campaign from August 3 to August 15 on the occasion of the anniversary of the ISIS attacks on Shengal on August 3 and the Taliban's seizure of power in Afghanistan on August 15 with the motto, “We Stand with Afghan women and women of Shengal against male attacks of hegemony”. The Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA) released a written statement on Saturday about the campaign of the KJK. The statement said, “On behalf of the oppressed women in Afghanistan, we express our gratitude to the KJK for standing with us and making their voices heard all around the world.”
The statement said, “Although Afghan women have been targeted by imperialist politics and Islamic fundamentalists for more than half a century, they keep struggling bravely and do not give up. As an occupying country, America only pursues its own interests, and since the blood of Afghans has no value for it, it does not hesitate to hand over power to the most bloodthirsty group in order to maintain its hegemony. After the United States government and NATO gave power to the Taliban, the first attack of this group was against women by trying to confine all women and girls to home. However, a conscious group of Afghan women keeps struggling and they are determined not to allow imprisonment, torture, rape, humiliation and insult to scare them.
‘We have always been inspired by the courage of our sisters, Iranian women and Kurdish fighters’
“We have always been inspired by the courage of our sisters, Iranian women and Kurdish fighters. Although Iranian female fighters have been shot, tortured, and facing execution in horrific prisons, they keep taking to the streets and raising their voices more than before. The fight of brave Kurdish women against ISIS and its supporters showed the world that the only way to liberate from the clutches of ISIS and the Taliban is the strong struggle of women.
The extremist and criminal groups in Iran and Afghanistan emerged in the heart of imperialism and the intelligence agencies of the USA and Britain and the West as a whole have been implementing the colonial policies of the West by chanting the slogan ‘neither east nor west’. Therefore, there must be an awareness in society that the struggle against fundamentalists cannot be separated from the struggle against US-led imperialism.
‘Long live the unity and solidarity of women’
"The campaign to be launched by the KJK from August 3 to August 15 with the motto, ‘We stand with Afghan and women of Shengal against male attacks of hegemony ’ raises the pace of struggle and solidarity with the women of Shengal and Afghan women.
Although Kurdish organizations face most of the attacks of internal and external enemies with commendable courage, they remain invincible and determined. Our mission is to unite the oppressed women of the world against imperialism so that we can build a life based on equality, justice, democracy and secularism and that women can be liberated from patriarchal culture and tyranny. Long live the unity and solidarity of working women all over the world.”