New Year message from women: We will strengthen our struggle

Women living in Turkey spent 2021 struggling against the increasing gender-based violence. “We will strengthen our struggle in 2022,” say women we interviewed.


Amed – In the last 19 years, more than seven thousand women were killed in Turkey, where violence against women is on rising. In 2021, 392 women were killed by men, according to the statistics. Since Turkey withdrew from the Istanbul Convention in 2021, the existing violence has increased even more. In Turkey, approximately three women are killed each day. Women living taking to the streets throughout 2021 in the country will enter 2022 under the slogan of struggle.  The women we interviewed called for organizing to minimize the rate of femicide and criticized the steps taken by the government.

The congress was enthusiastic and colorful

Women showed great interest in the 3rd Ordinary Youth Congress organized by the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Youth Council with the motto, “Now is the Time for Youth” in Amed. Reflecting the enthusiasm of the women's struggle they waged in 2021 at the congress, the women gave the message with their dances and slogans that they will welcome the year 2022 with their strong organization and struggle. While thousands flocked to the congress with the participation of mostly young people, the slogan "Jin Jiyan Azadi" was shouted during the congress. The congress becomes one of the most enthusiastic and crowded youth congresses in recent years. We spoke to women attending the congress about their hopes for 2022.

“We will become stronger standing by each other”

Beritan Tanışman: I graduated from university. After my graduation, I couldn’t find a job for a long time. It is very difficult to struggle and stand strong as a woman in Turkey. In 2021, I faced many financial difficulties due to the policies of the government. I resisted a lot to stand on my own legs. In 2021, many women were killed, subjected to violence and sexual attacks. But the government left the criminals unpunished while doing nothing to stop them. Such policies led me to question them more. I tried to exist among these policies. I will do what I can under these conditions. In 2022, women should show their existence in every part of life. We, as women, are very strong. When we stand by each other, we are stronger.

“2021 was a year in which violence was revealed”

The Democratic Regions Party (DBP) Co-chair Saliha Aydeniz: The year 2021 went down in history as a year in which the persecution, femicide, and male-state violence against women were revealed. Women struggled against the policies carried out systematically by the state. They stated that they would not remain silent against the policies with their actions. In 2021, there were many attacks on women’s achievements. The attacks on the co-presidency system and the Istanbul Convention are some of these attacks. Despite everything, women kept struggling to increase and protect their achievements and against the policy of immunity. 2022 will be the year of success for women. I believe that 2022 will be a year in which women's achievements will be protected and made permanent.

“We will not bow to the policies of the system”

Nazlıcan Yıldız: 2021 was a year in which women struggled against the gender inequality policies of the government. As the pressure on women increased, the women's struggle became stronger. We didn’t take a step back despite the government’s policies. We will enter 2022 with the slogan of “we will stop femicide”. 2022 will be the year of struggle for both youth and women. We all see the policies against women in the Kurdistan region. We know very well the aim of these special policies. Kurdish women will stop them.

“We will strengthen our struggle”

Sevda Adıbelli: 2021 was a bad year for women. Many women were killed and subjected to sexual attacks. Special war policies were carried out in the Kurdish region. In 2022, we will struggle to minimize them. We struggle to prevent women from being killed. Women should improve themselves in the economy, politics, and social life. I try to support all women. In 2022, we, as women, will strengthen our struggle.

“Kurdish women are subjected to violence”

Rojda Filiz: 2021 was really challenging year for women. Every day, we heard reports about violence against women and femicide. Women were killed. Women struggled to stop femicide. Women are stronger when they are together. We hope that 2022 will be better for women. Women face difficulties everywhere, on the streets, at home. Especially Kurdish women are subjected to violence and femicide. In 2022, women should unite and struggle together.