Mexican Peoples’ Union: RJAK members should be released

Mexican Peoples’ Union issued a statement about the detention of three RJAK members by the KDP forces. The women demand the immediate release of the women.

News Center-Kurdistan Free Women's Movement (RJAK) members Xewla Mihemed Hesen, Ciwana Ebdulbaqî, and Seyran Ehmed Hesen attended the commemoration event held in Shengal for the anniversary of the genocide against Yazidis by ISIS on August 3, 2014. After attending the commemoration, they returned to Hewlêr, the capital of the Southern Kurdistan Region. The KDP forces detained them there. Mexican Peoples’ Union issued a statement about the three women, who have been held in custody since August 5.

The Mexican people indicated that the detention of RJAK members by the KDP is a policy against women and feminists, “We stand by the struggle of the Kurdish Women's Movement. We condemn the detention of Kurdish women by the KDP led by Barzani.”

“If there is an attack on one of us, we respond to the attack together”

The statement issued by the Mexican women is as follows;

“As Mexican Peoples’ Union, we stand by the struggle of the Kurdish Women's Movement; we raise our voices against all kinds of attacks on Kurdish women and Kurdish people. We are like sisters thanks to our common struggle. We mean; if there is an attack on one of us, we respond to the attack together. As the Nahua peoples of the Cholula region, we take the struggle of the Kurdish people, particularly the Kurdish women, as a model and their struggle becomes a source of strength for our struggle. As the people of Cuanalá, Juan C. Bonilla, Puebla and México, we demand the immediate release of Xewla Mihemed Hesen, Ciwana Edbulbaqî and Seyran Ehmed Hesen. We will always be with our friends and their struggle is our struggle.”