‘It’s time to defend the philosophy of Jin, Jiyan, Azadî’
“The aim of the attacks carried out by the Turkish state and Turkish-backed factions is to destroy the gains achieved by women. It’s time to defend the philosophy of Jin, Jiyan, Azadî,” said Rîma Îsa.

Hasakah-The revolution in Rojava led by women with the philosophy of Jin, Jiyan, Azadî has continued for 13 years. NuJINHA interviewed Rîma Îsa, a manager of Mala Jin (Women’s House) in northeastern Syria about the attacks of the Turkish state and Turkish-backed factions on North and East Syria.
“The aim of the attacks is to destroy the gains achieved by women’s revolution,” she said.
‘Revolutions are doomed to fail without women’
Speaking about the uprisings that took place in the history of the Kurdish people, she said, “Many uprisings took place in the history of the Kurdish people. However, they failed because revolutions are doomed to fail without women. The revolution led by women in Rojava has become a role model for the whole world. When women lead revolutions, we witness solidarity, equality, common spirit and many successes. The Kurdish women’s struggle for freedom has become a role model for the whole world for 47 years.”
‘The revolution has also changed men’
Women also play an important role in changing their society, Rîma Îsa emphasized. “The revolution in Rojava would have failed without the co-presidential system. Thanks to this system, women have educated themselves and participated in all facets of life. Women in Rojava have broken the patriarchal mindset and all gender stereotypes. Women have reached such a point in the revolution that men also demand women's freedom and oppose all forms of violence against women.”
‘This century is the century of women's freedom’
Women in North and East Syria have been organizing and strengthening themselves and leading their society, Rîma Îsa stressed, adding: “This century is the century of women’s freedom. Therefore, a revolution or a system without women is impossible.”
‘Attacks have intensified since the philosophy of Jin, Jiyan, Azadî spread’
In her speech, Rîma Îsa called on all women to defend the philosophy of Jin, Jiyan, Azadî against the attacks on North and East Syria. “As Kurdish women, we absolutely do not accept that women are deprived of their rights. Today, we fight against a 5,000-year-old mindset. This mindset aims to end the women’s struggle for freedom. The attacks on North and East Syria have intensified since the philosophy of Jin, Jiyan, Azadî spread all around the world. It’s time to defend the philosophy of Jin, Jiyan, Azadî.”