Home raids in 21 cities: 126 people taken into custody
126 people, including lawyers, journalists, politicians and artists have been taken into custody in home raids organized in 21 cities as part of an investigation based in Amed.

Amed- Turkish police raided many houses in 21 cities in the morning as part of an investigation launched by the Diyarbakır Chief Public Prosecutor's Office. At least 126 people, including lawyers, journalists, politicians, artists and activists, have been taken into custody. According to the received reports, the people have been detained on charges of “propagandizing for a terrorist organization”. The number of detained people may increase.
Some of detained people are:
Sezen Mercan, media advisor of Saliha Aydeniz, Co-chair of the Democratic Regions Party (DBP); Mesopotamia Agency (MA) editor Abdurrahman Gök; MA reporters Ahmet Kanbal and Mehmet Şah Oruç; Jinnews reporter Beritan Canözer; Osman Akın, editor-in-chief of the Yeni Yaşam Newspaper; Kadri Esen, publisher of the Kurdish newspaper Xwebûn; Amed City Theater members Yavuz Akkuzu, Özcan Ateş and Elvan Köçer Yıldırım; journalists Mehmet Yalçın, Mikail Barut, Salih Keleş and Remzi Akkaya; Özlem Gündüz, Co-Chair of HDP Central Commission; Mahfuz Güleryüz, Co-spokesperson of HDP Central Commission; Muhittin Muğuç, Zozan Acar, Jiyan Sametoğlu, Adile Salman, Kenan Anğay, Havva Bildik, Halil Delen, Habat Mimkara, Devrim Demir, , Şahperi Alphan, Maria Öztopuz, Suat Mustafa Şenci, Veysel Moray, Hüsamettin Kılıç, Şehmus Karadağ, Semira Akkor, Faris Türk, Tarık Zafer Yazgan, Nurettin Bakan, Nasip Gültekin, Eşref Yaşa, Alattin Zuğurli, Haydullah Zuğurli, Doğan Hatun, Rıfat Roni, Gani Alkan, Sezgin Bayram, Sena Özbey, Şahperi Alphan Bayhan, Sadettin İnal, Kibar Suvari, Velat Ersin, Kevve Çelik, Mahir Koyun and Mesut Baskın.
25 lawyers taken into custody
Police also raided the buildings of the Lawyers Association for Freedom (ÖHD) in Amed (Diyarbakır), Wan (Van), Riha (Urfa), Êlih (Batman) and Mêrdîn (Mardin). The police search in the building of the ÖHD Amed branch reportedly ended. 25 lawyers have been reportedly detained until now. The names of some detained lawyers are:
In Amed: Mehmet Öner, Halise Dakalı, Özüm Vurgun, Bünyamin Şeker, Berdan Acun, Pirozhan Kaleli, Resul Temur, Fırat Taşkın, Salih Tekin, Sozan Acar, Büşra Eylül Özgültekin, Burhan Arta, Şerzan Yelboğa, Süleyman Şahin, Gülistan Ataş, Fırat Yıldız, Serhat Hezer, Kenan Aygay, Şirin Şen and Bahar Okay.
In Riha: Gurbet Özbey, Ruşen Doğan and Metin Özbadem.
In Mêrdîn: Jiyan Samedoğlu