Hêza Şingalî: Yazidi women joining the YJŞ is a response to the genocide
“Yazidi women joining the YJŞ is a response to the genocide,” said YJŞ commander Hêza Şingalî, emphasizing that the wounds left by the genocide committed by ISIS against Yazidis are still fresh.

Nûjin Êzidî
Shengal- 12, 855 Yazidis were killed in the genocidal attacks carried out by ISIS in Shengal on August 3, 2014. Nine years have passed since the genocide, known as 74th edict by the Yazidi community.
Shengal Women’s Units (YJŞ) Commander Hêza Şingalî, who was also taken captive by ISIS in 2014 and joined the YJŞ after being rescued, says the wounds left by the genocide are still fresh.
‘We did not have an organized force before the genocide’
Speaking about the genocide committed by ISIS against the Yazidi community, she said:
“Our community was a closed community before the genocide. We had a life based on our culture and beliefs. As the community, especially women, we were unprotected. On August 3, 2014, our women faced great pain. When ISIS took thousands of Yazidis captive, our people had neither force nor organized will. Before the genocide, both the Iraqi army and the KDP had hundreds of soldiers in Shengal. On the day of the genocide they paved the way for the genocide by fleeing and leaving the Yazidis alone. This will never be forgotten even if hundreds of years pass.
“The space of women in the Yazidi community has always been different. Throughout history, women have always played an important role in our community. Our oral history tells of dozens of women , who fought to build our community.”
‘The YJŞ started a new process for women’
Talking about the Yazidi women’s defense units, Hêza Şingalî said, “The YJŞ started a new process for Yazidi women. The anger of those who survived after being captive by ISIS increased even more. I decided to join the YJŞ after seeing the determination and resistance of the YJŞ fighters. We got our strength for our struggle for freedom from the organized resistance of the YJA Star and the YPJ. Thanks to the YJŞ, Yazidi women are protected against all kinds of attacks. Thanks to the historical resistance of our martyrs, we have the strength and will to defend and protect ourselves today.”
‘The KDP sells Yazidi women in camps, just like ISIS’
“The wounds of the Yazidis are still fresh,” said Hêza Şingalî, adding:
“Nine years have passed since the genocide but the wounds of the Yazidis are still fresh. Many people of our community were forcibly displaced in 2014; some went to European countries while some settled in the IDPs camps of the KDP. Still, there are Yazidis living in these camps. The KDP asks for money from many organizations , claiming that they will protect and help the Yazidis. The KDP sells Yazidi girls and women in these camps just as ISIS sold Yazidi girls and women. The KDP does its best to prevent the Yazidis from rebuilding their lives.”
‘We have organized ourselves around the philosophy and ideology of leader Apo’
The YJA-Star-YPJ-HPG-YPG have made great sacrifices to protect the Yazidi community, Heza Shingalî said, “They fought to protect us. We have organized ourselves around the philosophy and ideology of leader Apo (Abdullah Öcalan). Our strong will and determination can prevent possible attacks and genocide. However, the attacks and dirty policies of the KDP continue. The KDP still poses a danger to our community.”
‘We will keep protecting our people’
“We, as the YJŞ and Yazidi women, aim to strengthen their organized struggle for freedom,” said Hêza Şinagalî.
“As YJŞ, our goal is to expand our defense forces so that we will keep protecting the Yazidi women. The Yazidi women joining the YJŞ is a response to the genocide. We have academies providing political, ideological and military training. We will keep resisting and strengthen our struggle for freedom. The most important thing for us is to protect Yazidi women and the Yazidi community. As the Yazidi women, especially as the YJŞ, we will always lead the resistance and struggle for the freedom of our community with a strong stance and determination.”