Green Left Party’s parliamentary candidate Ayten Dönmez sent to prison
Green Left Party’s Kocaeli parliamentary candidate Ayten Dönmez, who was detained yesterday after being targeted by Turkish Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu, has been sent to prison.

News Center- Turkish Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu targeted the Party of Greens and the Left Future (Green Left Party) in a live television interview. After the TV program, police raided the house of Ayten Dönmez, a parliamentary candidate of the Green Left Party from Kocaeli, in Istanbul’s Üsküdar district. She has been sent to prison after a questioning process at the police station.
After her arrest, pro-government press outlets claimed that Ayten Dönmez had joined the PKK and then returned. When being questioned at the police station, Ayten Dönmez reportedly denied the allegations against her, saying that she is married and has two children.