Emîna Mele Hesen: Silence against crimes committed in Afrin continues
Emîna Mele Hesen, head of Afrin-Shahba Women’s Council, criticizes the silence of the international community although the crimes committed in Afrin by the Turkish state and Turkish-backed factions have been already documented.

Shahba- Since the occupation of Afrin on March 18, 2018, the Turkish state and Turkish-backed factions have committed many crimes against people, nature and historical sites and they keep committing crimes. They openly kill people and plunder their properties and target women and children. In a month, four girls were raped by the members of Turkish-backed factions and one of them died.
‘We will protect our children’
In an interview with NuJINHA, Emîna Mele Hesen, head of Afrin-Shahba Women’s Council, points to the crimes committed against humanity in Afrin. Indicating that they have been witnessed many painful and sad incidents in Afrin, especially the sexual assault against children by the members of the factions, she said, “Those calling for a solution in Syria do not see the crimes committed against civilians, particularly children, by the Turkish-backed factions. Children are our most precious values. We will protect our children until the Turkish state and its factions are held accountable for their crimes.”
‘People are driven to suicide’
“If there is security and peace in Afrin, why do people kill themselves?” Emîna Mele Hesen asked, adding:
“In Afrin, many people kill themselves due to the lack of security and peace. A 16-year-old child was driven to suicide. People choose to kill themselves since there is no security for them. People look for a way to escape torture. They kill themselves or have to leave their homeland. Hundreds of women have been raped in Afrin; however, the perpetrators of rape have gone unpunished. The perpetrators of rape must be punished or such incidents will be repeated. The members of factions, who commit such crimes, are supported by the Turkish state.”
Criticizing the silence of the international community against the crimes committed in Afrin, Emîna Mele Hesen said, “Although the crimes committed in Afrin by the Turkish state and Turkish-backed factions have been documented, the international community remains silent and their silence leads such crimes to be committed.”