Dersim to say no to 'oppression and denial' on May 14
“We will say no to oppression and denial,” said the women of Dersim. “We will vote for the Green Left Party for freedom and peace.”

Dersim (Tunceli)- Dersim will elect only one member of the parliament on May 14, 2023. The women of Dersim say they will send Green Left Party’s parliamentary candidate Ayten Kordu to the parliament. “This city will say no to oppression and ignoration on May 14.”
NuJINHA spoke to some women attending the election rally of the Green Left Party in Dersim about the presidential and parliamentary elections to be held in Turkey on Sunday, May 14.
‘The people of Dersim are determined’
One of these women, Latife Turan said, “The people of Dersim are subjected to the policies of oppression and intimidation every day. Everyone is aware of this. We will struggle against these policies and win. We have to resist even if we die. I will vote for the Green Left Party because we are the oppressed people, we have to unite to win. We want peace, unity and fraternity. We do not want to be oppressed anymore. The people of Dersim always stand against injustice. We are determined to stand against injustice.”
‘We will send women to the parliament in order to be like one fist’
“This government must definitely go,” Fidan Demir said, “I will vote for the Green Left Party. As a woman, I will definitely vote for the Green Left Party because women can represent us in the parliament. We will send women to the parliament in order to be like one fist against this government. We will vote to say ‘enough’ to the one man regime.”
‘This persecution must end now’
Another woman attending the rally, Yıldız Gerçek said, “We will vote for the Green Left Party because the Kurds are denied by the government. The Green Left Party will win. I will vote for the Green Left Party because I trust it. This persecution must end now. We are leftists; we will not deny our own life, our own language.”
‘Our votes are for the Green Left Party’
“The people of Dersim are subjected to oppression and injustice by this government,” Nadire Gök said, “Our votes are for the Green Left Party because we want peace, democracy and freedom. Now, women are the most oppressed and killed. Women need an equal and safe life. We struggle to build an equal and safe life for women.”
‘This government must go now’
Speaking to NuJINHA at the rally, Fatoş Can said, “We will vote for the Green Left Party, for peace, democracy and all jailed people. This government must go now. We must cast our votes to send this government.”