Call to struggle against oppression of women under the guise of tradition
In the 21st century, the practice of “bride price” is still common in some societies. Jineology Research Center Spokesperson Sedîqe Xilo calls on women to oppose this practice.

Kobanê- Women are the most affected by some reactionary practices under the guise of “tradition” used by the patriarchal system all over the world. One of these reactionary practices is “bride price”.
“In Middle East, some social and religious traditions are still imposed on women under the guise of ‘bride price’,” said Sedîqe Xilo, Spokesperson of the Jineology Research Center in Euphrates Canton of North and East Syria, drawing attention to the “bride price” practice. “Price changes in countries and regions. Unfortunately, North and East Syria also suffers from this practice. In some regions, parents of brides demand money while some demand both money and gold.”
‘The Jineology Research Center finds alternative solutions’
The Rojava Revolution led by women in North and East Syria took place thanks to the ideology of Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan, Sedîqe Xilo said. “Thanks to the paradigm of leader Öcalan, women have the opportunity to fight the patriarchal mindset. Women’s movements and organizations struggling for women’s freedom make great efforts to end reactionary practices. The Jineology Research Center finds alternative solutions by analyzing the reality of society.”
‘Women should oppose to the practice of bride price’
If some families demand a bride price to allow their daughters to get married, other families also demand it, Sedîqe Xilo stressed. “Women are sold like property by their families. We call on women to oppose this practice. Bride price is an old tradition used by the patriarchal mindset and we need knowledge and experience to change this mindset.
‘It is time for a change’
“As women, we should not accept slavery. We should choose a free life. Families take out loads to marry their children off. Then, they take gold from their daughter-in law to pay off their debts. Such incidents are common in society, often resulting in divorce. Therefore, it is time for a change in order to fight such problems.”