“Çarşema Sor” celebration in Shengal

Yesterday, Yazidis celebrated “Çarema Sor” in many parts of the world. Yazidis living in Shengal also celebrated their festival.

Shengal (Sinjar) - Yesterday, Yazidis celebrated their “Çarşema Sor” festival in Shengal under the blockade and attacks of the Iraqi Army. In the morning, the people of Shengal first visited the Martyr Berxwedan and Martyr Dilgeş cemeteries.

After the visit, they gathered in the city to celebrate their festival. Making a speech at the celebration Cercur Cemil, a member of the European Yazidis’ Coordination, said, “Shengal is free and autonomous. Our people should return to their homeland step by step. We must never be away from our lands.”

Riham Hesen, Co-chair of the Shengal Autonomous Administration, also made a speech and said, “We will never forget our promise to the martyrs and the words of the martyrs. Heval (Kurdish word, meaning friend or comrade) Dijwar always used to say, 'Our cause is great, we will not give up our cause, and if that is not enough, our children will pay the price'. Heval Zerdüşt used to say, ‘The Yazidis are not afraid’. These words have deep meanings. Commemorating our martyrs is to repeat our promise to this cause.”

After the speeches, people went to the celebration area. The representatives of the organizations founded by Yazidis across the world, particularly in Europe and Russia, participated in the celebration. Many singers such as Hozan Xemdar, Hozan Herîman, and Hozan Elend also participated in the celebration while some singers were reportedly blocked by the KDP forces from entering the city.

Silîman Hecî, a member of the Yazidi Freedom and Democracy Party (PADE), Kine Xidir, a member of the Yazidi Free Women's Movement (TAJÊ), and Berivan Şengali also made speeches during the celebration. During the celebration, the people shouted slogans to protest the construction of the wall called “the wall of shame” by the people of Shengal.

Celebration in Aleppo

The Yazidis living in Aleppo celebrated Çarşema Sor, also known as Çarşema Serê Nîsanê, in the Şêx Meqsûd neighborhood. Singer Ehmedê Xanî and Hilala Zerin musical groups took the stage during the celebration.