4 citizens kidnapped in Afrin
Turkish-backed factions have reportedly kidnapped four citizens, including a woman, in the Jindires town of Afrin. The families of the kidnapped citizens are asked to pay a ransom.

News Center- The Turkish-backed factions have kidnapped four citizens, including a woman, in the Keferdela Jêrîn village of Afrin’s Jindires town, according to the local sources. The kidnapped citizens have been reportedly taken to an unknown location.
They demand ransom from families
The names of kidnapped citizens are: Elîf Hec Resûl, Newal Hec Henan (25), Mehmûd Ebdurehman Dawûd (41) and Ebdullah Hec Henan (45). According to the local sources, the Turkish-backed factions demanded ransom from the families of the victims to release them.
Yesterday, a citizen named Amir Muslim Silêman (34) was kidnapped by the Turkish-backed factions in the Hecîler village of Jindires. No one knows where Amir Muslim Silêman is now.