Çiğdem Kılıçgün Uçar and İbrahim Akın become new co-spokespersons of Green Left Party
The 2nd Green Left Party Extraordinary Congress was held yesterday with the emphasis on “a democratic country in the new century”. Çiğdem Kılıçgün Uçar and İbrahim Akın become new co-spokespersons of the party.
News Center- The Green Left Party (Turkish: Yeşil Sol Parti) held its 2nd Extraordinary Congress yesterday with the motto, “We will win together” with the participation of many representatives of political parties and NGOs.
At the congress, speakers drew attention to many issues such as the Kurdish question, which has deepened with the isolation policies implemented in Turkey, economic crisis and the reflection of the uprising in Iran all around the world. The upcoming elections and the importance of unity were also highlighted.
“We are here, we will win together”
The final declaration of the congress titled “We are here, we will win together” focused on the multiple crises suffered by Turkey. It emphasized the relationship between the crises caused by the capitalist system and the ecological crisis that are more visible after the Covid-19 pandemic and that many people face hunger. The declaration also drew attention to the increase in the number of refugee migrants due to wars and conflicts. The protests in Iran also mentioned in the declaration, “women's resistance continues to raise hopes by crossing the borders,” it said.
The statement also underlined that a strong democracy alliance will be formed to build a democratic country in the new century.
New co-spokespersons
After the final declaration was read at the congress, the party’s new co-spokespersons were elected with the participation of the delegates. Çiğdem Kılıçgün Uçar and İbrahim Akın have been elected as the new co-spokespersons of the party. Çiğdem Kılıçgün Uçar made a short speech. “I think we should discuss ideas about Turkey’s new century. The AKP-MHP government has already started the construction of the new century with the practices of the old Turkey. The struggle of women and LGBTI+s is subjected to all the oppression policies of the government. While workers struggle for their rights, poverty is shown as if it is destiny. All segments in society demand a change.”