Tunisian woman selling kesra bread: We cannot find semolina due to its high price

“We cannot find semolina due to its high price,” said Radhya Rafrafi, who has been earning a living by selling kesra bread on a road in Chebika, a mountain oasis in Tunisia’s Kairouan Governorate, for 16 years.


Tunisia- When you travel from the city of Gafsa to the city of Kairouan of Tunisia, you will probably see women selling kesra bread, a type of bread made from semolina, yeast, olive oil, water and cooked on a round cast iron pan over a stove, on the road. Radhya Rafrafi is one of them; she has been earning a living for her family by cooking and selling kesra bread in Chebika, a mountain oasis on the road.

NuJINHA spoke to her about the challenges faced by her while selling the bread. She complained about the high price of semolina and brake dust from vehicles.

‘What I earn is sometimes not enough to meet our basic needs’

She told us how her routine day is by following words:

“I wake up at 3 a.m. and start to make kesra dough. Then, I take eggs and make the grilled salad by adding grilled tomatoes, peppers, and onions. I add them to the dough and cook bread on a round cast iron pan over a stove. After packing them, I carry them on my back to sell them on the road. My husband cannot work because he has already undergone three surgeries. I am the only breadwinner of my family. I sell kesra bread with my son; however, the prices of semolina, firewood are very high. What I earn is sometimes not enough to meet our basic needs. I have to work in summer and winter despite hot and cold weather. I also suffer from many diseases. The doctor tells me not to work but I have to work to earn a living for my family. I call on the relevant authorities to help us and reduce the prices of goods, especially the price of semolina.”