Jineology: Knowledge, experience, and science of women- 4
“Jineology aims to heal the wounds of society with its research” “The purpose of opening the Jineology research center is to interpret the situation of women and to find solutions to the problems of our society,” Nur Hawıl, a member of the Jineology Education and Research Center in Cizîr Region, said.

“Jineology aims to heal the wounds of society with its research”
“The purpose of opening the Jineology research center is to interpret the situation of women and to find solutions to the problems of our society,” Nur Hawıl, a member of the Jineology Education and Research Center in Cizîr Region, said.
Qamishlo – Jineology Education and Research Center was founded on September 14, 2017, to research the problems of society and produce solutions to these problems. Jineology is based on the principle of interpretation. The center has carried out works for both sexes to work for society. It aims to get to know society by interpreting every aspect of society. Jineology reinterprets women’s history with intellectual and correct concepts and keeps women’s intellectuality alive.
Nur Hawıl, a member of the Jineology Education and Research Center in Cizîr Region, spoke to JINHA about the aims and purpose of the center.
“The center’s research is carried out with the colors of women”
Speaking about the research works of the center, Nur Hawıl said:
“Jineology Research Center is known as a science in society. What is important for us is to explain the color and social method of this center to our society. When the center was first founded in Rojava Kurdistan, we wanted to understand the contradictions in our society and warn our society against them. We wanted to understand the problems of our society as the first step. We also introduced the science of Jineology to our society. And then, we began to open our offices in cities. We opened an office, the most important one, in Qamishlo. We opened our first office in the city of Dêrik on September 14, 2017. In the beginning, the number of members of the center was five. Our aim is to interpret the colors of women and reveal the solutions for the existing problems. The center’s research is carried out with the colors of women. Over time, many offices have been opened in many regions of NE Syria.”
“Solutions are found with the colors of women”
Nur Hawıl also talked about the main subjects they have researched.
“Before researching a basic subject, we must first know the griefs of our society well. The center aims to reveal the wound of society with its research to heal them. It has carried out works for both sexes to deepen its research. If it is necessary to interpret the problems of the whole world, first of all, it is necessary to know society well and to identify the problems and troubles they have faced. Our current research works aim to understand the situation of women, and to learn and understand the situation of men and children. As the center, we both criticize and comment on other research works. The center has carried out its own research work and found solutions with the colors of women. In other words, as the Jineology Research Center, we can say that we understand the griefs experienced by our society at first.”
“The research of Jineology is the definition of truth”
Drawing attention to the difference between the research methods of Jineology and modernity, Nur Hawıl pointed out that the difference is that the research works of Jineology are carried out by women.
“Each researcher aims to understand the problems, but each researcher defines the problems differently. The difference between the research methods of Jineology and modernity is that the research works of Jineology are carried out by women. Women have been enslaved for five thousand years; their voices have been suppressed, so society is surprised to see that women have carried out the research works by themselves. The research methods of Jineology are libertarian methods and analyze the problems of society with these methods. Jineology researches everything far away from the influence of governments and selfishness. It also has a solution-focused perspective. Those working at the Jineology Research Center should have a perspective that foresees the future of their society, not for themselves, but for their society. Our research works may not show their effect today, but we believe that they will definitely show their effect in a few years. Jineology is also based on the principle of love and respect among people.”
“Jineology researches women’s history with women’s perspective”
Pointing out that another aim of Jineology is to shed light on the women's reality left in the dark, Nur Hawıl continued to talk as follows:
“So far, the history of women has been left in the dark. The history of women has been defined in connection with darkness, that is, power. For this reason, Jineology has carried out works to reveal the concepts that define women. Each concept defines women differently. And the history of women has been lost in these concepts. We should interpret the concepts about women. For instance, there were many resisting women in history but the patriarchal mindset accused them of being witches and evil women. Jineology aims to reveal the true history of women, to shed light on intellectual women, women philosophers, and women known as goddesses. We research the role of women in every era and age and the important roles they played.”
“Another aim of Jineology is to define justice between both sexes”
Speaking about injustice between two sexes, Nur Hawıl said:
“Another aim of Jineology is to define justice between both sexes. Jineology first defines the situation of women and men in society. It also reveals the contradictions experienced by both sexes. Knowing both genders is essential for Jineology. If you know both genders, you naturally get to know your society. Jineology defends social justice.”
Tomorrow: “Jineology itself is community education”