Youth drifted into drugs, prostitution in Batman

Free Women’s Movement (TJA) member Şükran Çelebi points out that youth have been drifted into drugs and prostitution in Batman, “People living in the Mobil, Petrolkent and Seyitler neighborhoods complain about this situation. Parents can no longer take their children outside. The policy being practiced there drives our children, future, into this swamp.”


Elih– In the Kurdish cities, the number of children using drugs has been increasing compared to previous years.  The number of people being drifted into prostitution and sexual harassment has been also increasing. Batman is one of these cities. We spoke to the people of Batman about the increasing rate of drug use and prostitution in their neighborhoods. “Our children cannot go out in the evening due to drug dealers. Something should be done to prevent this situation.”

“We are concerned about the situation”

People living in the Mobil, Petrolkent, and Seyitler neighborhoods complain about the increase in drug use and prostitution. “Children openly use drugs in public parks. I don’t allow my daughters to go out in the evening,” Ayşe Çetin told us.

“We are scared to go out”

Noting that the number of unknown people has been increasing in the Pertrolkent neighborhood, Ayşe Çetin said, “We have faced such things for several years. There is a public park in front of my house so I see what has been happening in the park. Women, who have been reportedly brought from Siirt and Van province, have lived in our neighborhood. Everyone in the neighborhood knows them. The rate of drug use and prostitution has been increasing but no step has been taken to prevent them.”

“Youth have been trapped”

Free Women’s Movement (Tevgera Jinên Azad –TJA) members have been investigating the claims in the neighborhoods due to increasing complaints. ”We learned what has been going on in the neighborhoods after receiving complaints from the residents of the neighborhoods. Youth have been trapped by drug dealers,” TJA member Şükran Çelebi told us.

A special policy has been carried out in Batman, Şükran Çelebi said, “We have received complaints from the people living in the Mobil, Petrolkent and Seyitler neighborhoods about this situation. Parents can no longer allow their children to go out. This policy has driven our children, future into this swamp. Youth have been drifted into drugs and prostitution in Batman. Parents are concerned about their children.”

Şükran Çelebi noted that despite the obvious situation, no action has been taken to prevent drug use and prostitution in the city. Why don’t the authorities take any step? These policies have been carried out in the city. Poor young people have been drifted into drugs and prostitution. Foreign women have been brought to the neighborhoods. We are concerned about our children.”